Improving Health Among Youth in Rural Appalachia

Enhancing School-Based Health Centers

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Research Questions

This research proposes to investigate the characteristics of effective and ineffective SBHCs, focusing on how their features relate to children’s health and wellbeing. In the first phase of the project, the research team will conduct site visits, interviews, and focus groups to examine the diverse features of SBHCs. In the second phase, the team will conduct surveys of parents and other stakeholders, as well as collect administrative data from Medicaid and schools.  This aids in understanding how perceptions and features of SBHCs relate to children’s health and academic outcomes. The findings from this research project will be used by researchers, West Virginians for Affordable Health Care and their wide network of partner organizations, health care providers, and state policymakers. These partners will use the findings to improve the quality of care provided by SHBCs and, in turn, advance a culture of health in communities across West Virginia.

What funding and service features characterize sustainable SBHCs?

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Our team will use an in-depth descriptive and quasi-causal study with a qualitative study design consisting of interviews with key stakeholders to determine the characteristics of sustainable SBHCs.


You can view our full data set here. 


Our research is currently in its early phases. Please check back after completion for a full explanation of our findings. 

How do features such as location, funding, opening hours, providers, services, and staffing characterize sustainable SBHCs?

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Our team will use a quasi-experimental study design to address the efficacy of certain features that characterize a sustainable SBHC.


You can view our full data set here. 


Our research is currently in its early phases. Please check back after completion for a full explanation of our findings.